Friday, December 2, 2011

Blog 10: Logical Fallacies

Band Wagon:
AT&T uses the saying "Join America's Best Network." This phrase is generally followed by how many customers they currently have. This is trying to say that AT&T already has millions of loyal customers and that there network is obviously the best so since all your friends are here, you should be a customer as well.

False Dilemma:
In an episode of that 70's show entitled Celebration Day, Kelso and Hyde tell Jackie that she has to pick one of them. While contemplating, one of the other characters ask if she doesn't love Kelso, then she must love Hyde. And if she doesn't love Hyde, then she must love Kelso. Comically enough she ends up not picking either because she loves "me" more, but that's a complete other story/problem/fallacy there.

Hasty Generalization:
This clip from the Daily Show is full of hasty generalizations. The main argument is that all Republicans are good at stopping Terrorist because less attack appended while Bush was president, then when Obama was president. They also say that all Democrats are good at fixing the environment because more hurricanes destroyed major cities when Bush was president then when Obama was president.

Blog 9: Logical Fallacies

Slippery Slope:
Glenn Beck talks about how if we allow for same sex couples to marry, then we will have to allow for polygamy to happen.

Ad Hominem:
In this ad by Time Warner Cable they attack DirecTv by saying that they "hate puppies." There love or hate of puppies has nothing to do with their services, but instead attacks their character.

Post Hoc:
In an episode of The Simpsons called Much Apu About Nothing, after an isolated bear attack, the mayor pays for a bear patrol. Homer states that there are no bears because the patrol is working. Lisa then remarks that because she is holding a rock, that rocks must keep tigers away since she doesn't see any tigers. This is post hoc because Homer is assuming that bear patrol equals no bears, not that there are not any bears that reside in Springfield.